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Blog Post Rent-Ready: What does that mean?

Rent-Ready: What does that mean?

Whether this is your first time as a landlord or you have been renting out your investment property for years, you have likely heard the term 'rent-ready.' You might be thinking, "my property is in awesome condition," or "my home is new construction." Even if this is true, not a...
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Blog Post Simple Tips To Prevent Pests From Invading Your Rental Home

Simple Tips To Prevent Pests From Invading Your Rental Home

Spring has sprung, and summer is on its way! With warmer weather on the horizon, this may open up an invitation to some very unwanted houseguests- pests! Unfortunately, pests are a common nuisance no matter where you live. Everyone will have to deal with pests at one point or ano...
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Blog Post Egg-stra Special Easter Events In The Treasure Valley to Spend With Your Peeps

Egg-stra Special Easter Events In The Treasure Valley to Spend With Your Peeps

Spring has hopped right in and it's time to plan for some Easter family fun! We have compiled a list of some of the top Easter events across the Treasure Valley! Pictures with The Bunny Visit Boise Towne Square for an egg-citing visit with the Easter Bunny! Photos are available...
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Blog Post Should You Hire a Professional Property Manager?

Should You Hire a Professional Property Manager?

So you have purchased a rental property. Congratulations! Or maybe you own multiple rental properties that you've been self-managing for an extended period of time. And you've been tossing around the idea of hiring a professional property manager. Not all rental properties requir...
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Blog Post Should I Turn My Home Into A Rental?

Should I Turn My Home Into A Rental?

There are many reasons that you may be considering putting your home up for rent. Maybe you found your dream home and it's time to move your family. Maybe the market isn't thriving in your location. Or maybe you are looking to dip your toes into the real estate investing market a...
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Blog Post Renters Insurance: Why Do You Need It? What Does It Cover?

Renters Insurance: Why Do You Need It? What Does It Cover?

You finally found your dream home! You paid your deposit, signed your lease, and have a move-in date. Your property manager gives you a checklist of things to take care of prior to moving in. On that list, likely near the top, is purchasing renters insurance and providing them a ...
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Blog Post Q4 Vacancy Report-2021

Q4 Vacancy Report-2021

Have you ever wondered how to gauge the vacancy rate of a particular market? Further, have you ever wondered what the vacancy rates are based on the type of property you invest in? Well, you are in luck if you are investing in the Treasure Valley! Each quarter the NARPM Southwest...
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Blog Post Top Amenities On A Renters Wishlist That Make A Profitable Rental Property

Top Amenities On A Renters Wishlist That Make A Profitable Rental Property

According to a recent survey from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, there currently are 100.9 million people living in a rental home. The rate of homeownership has steadily declined over the past few years and younger generations are opting to rent vs purchasi...
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Blog Post Fire Safety In The Winter Months

Fire Safety In The Winter Months

The winter season brings beautiful scenery, fun activities, and traditions. It also means more time indoors. Spending more time indoors to stay warm and snug also comes with an increased risk of a fire in the home. The National Fire Protection Agency states that 48,530 house fire...
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Blog Post Five Decorating Hacks For Renters!

Five Decorating Hacks For Renters!

Happy New Year! Whether you just moved into your dream rental home, or you just cleared out all the holiday decor- we know that decorating as a renter can be a challenge. Starting off the new year with some fresh, new decor can brighten the mood in the winter months and even make...
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