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Maximizing Value | 3 Ways A Professional Property Management Company Can Save You Time & Money

Maximizing Value | 3 Ways A Professional Property Management Company Can Save You Time & Money


You've decided to turn your property into a rental home. Hooray! Self-managing your rental properties may often seem like an easy task & a good idea. However, you may soon realize that managing a rental property involves a TON of work and a time commitment many investors do not have. When you decide to self-manage, essentially, you become the "everything" person. What does that mean? You have officially been promoted to the landlord, marketing professional, photographer, maintenance coordinator, emergency contact, tenant screener, document preparer, accountant, and legal liaison. Whoa. You may feel as though you are maximizing your passive income profits by not spending the extra money for professional help. However, there are costs associated with bringing in professionals; trying to handle everything yourself could cost you money. Rental Properties can be an excellent source of income. Here are three ways hiring a professional property management company can take some of the burdens off the investors.

Marketing + Finding High-Quality Tenants For Your Rental


Professional property managers are well-versed in how the local rental markets perform, vacancy trends, and average rents collected. When you do business with a property manager, you hire their skill sets to help get your rental tenanted quickly. Your property manager may provide recommendations on upgrades or potential maintenance that needs to be completed to get your property 'rent ready'. Additionally, your property management team will be able to advise you on suggested appropriate rents for your area and will assist in maximizing your return on investment. Further, your property manager will have access to countless marketing tools, such as the company's website, professional business pages, the MLS, and social media. Once you have found a potential tenant, you must adequately screen and vet them to ensure they have the ability to pay rent, have a clean background, and are not scammers. Many property owners have little experience in screening tenants and often do not have the tools to complete proper background qualification checks legally. Professionals have proven processes in place to work quickly and efficiently screen tenants. Not only does this give you back some of your time, but it also creates the opportunity for quality tenants to remain in your home long-term. One aspect of owning a rental property you may not have considered is federal, state, and local landlord-tenant laws. When accepting applications and screening potential tenants, you must comply with all regulations to avoid legal turmoil. Your property management team remains trained and up-to-date on all current regulations, such as fair housing and discrimination laws. This expertise also comes in handy if an unfortunate eviction were to occur. There are many processes and procedures involved with carrying out an eviction. Removing a tenant is never a good feeling, but having a trusted team of experts on your side can ease some of the anxiety associated.

Maintenance & Repairs


It's 2:00 AM, your phone rings, and it's your tenant with an emergency. You're traveling across the country and cannot get to the property for several days. Additionally, you do not have a list of reliable and licensed contractors available to perform quality repair work. This sounds like every investor's nightmare, right? One of the largest perks of working with a property management company is having someone on your team 24/7 to address any maintenance concerns immediately. Additionally, experienced property managers can resolve issues quickly as they have access to teams of trusted vendors. This means that you, as the investor, that you no longer have to answer any tenant maintenance requests directly. Many property management companies also have preventative maintenance programs. These programs can include routine maintenance inspections with the hope that any small issues are caught early before evolving into larger, more costly problems. This allows peace of mind for the property owner and affords the opportunity for major systems in their properties to be checked regularly and maintained. The right property management team looking out for your property will save you time and money. You will no longer have to stress and coordinate maintenance repairs, no matter how serious the issue may be.

Rent Collection + Lease Enforcement


Time is money. It is no secret that sometimes collecting rent from your tenants can be a challenge. Property Managers are responsible for preparing a lease agreement and enforcing the standards once a new tenant signs for a property. Property Managers assist with making rent collection easier and seamless for everyone in some of the following ways:

  • Offering convenient ways for your tenants to pay their monthly rent
  • Explain the rent collection process to new tenants so that they thoroughly understand the process and their obligations under their lease agreement.
  • Discussing the consequences and outlining the process for non-payment of rent, late fees, and potential eviction
  • Your property manager will handle the legal procedure for eviction and stand behind you in court to help recover any costs related to a non-paying tenant.

Additionally, outside of monthly rent requirements, when a tenant signs a lease on a property, they are signing a contract to abide by the standards set forth by the property manager. A few situations that will be outlined in a lease agreement are:

  • Pet Policy
  • Security Deposits
  • Rent Payments
  • Notice of Entry
  • Subletting and Roommates
  • Parking Policies
  • What's Included in the Lease- utilities, appliances, pest control, etc.
  • Repairs and Maintenance
  • Insurance Requirements
  • Process for Addressing Violations

There are many ways that Property Managers enforce the standards of a lease agreement. Many will have processes put in place for quarterly, biannual, and annual check-ins to ensure that the legal requirements of the lease are being met.


Hiring the right property manager is essential to your success while owning an investment property. It will not only save you time and money, but it will ensure that you are PROTECTING your investment long term. If you are looking for a property management company to help save you time and money, RentWise Property Management would love to connect with you!  Reducing vacancies, avoiding a bad eviction process, or handling a major repair request more than makes up for the cost of investing in a professional property manager. We guarantee our best practices and ethical standards are unmatched. We are dedicated to creating relationships with clients, tenants, and vendors to make owning an investment property easier and more profitable.  
