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We Require EVERY Tenant to Have Renters Insurance

We Require EVERY Tenant to Have Renters Insurance

We require EVERY tenant to have renters insurance
with a minimum of $100,000 liability

Tenants required renters insuranceWhile renters insurance is not required by law in the state of Idaho, we require all of our tenants to have a policy in place. This protects everyone should the unthinkable happen. According to a survey by Princeton Survey Research Associates, 36% of all Americans are renters, but the majority of them lack renters insurance. Homeowners have hazard insurance to cover the real property, however, that does not extend to any of the tenants belongings. Should a disaster occur and the home burn down, for example, the owner can rebuild, but the tenant walks away empty handed. For less than two hundred dollars, everything they have can be covered for replacement making them whole again. It is worth the investment! Looking for Boise Property Management for your rental property? Give us a call today at 208-949-3083 or find out what your home will rent for with our FREE Rental Estimate.