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Photography in the Rental Market

What exactly is the importance of photography in the rental market? 

Did you know that according to the Wall Street Journal, 95% of potential home buyers view the first photo—the one that shows the home's exterior—for a total of 20 seconds. A professor at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA, said, "Without an eye-catching photo, the battle is lost before it begins". At this time, almost all home searching is done first, online. Viewers spend 60% of the time viewing photographs, which is 3x as much as any other listing section. Including the agent's home description. This goes no different for rental properties.    Good quality photographs do several things for your investment property. You will find that well-lit pictures of the home for rent show the home's great potential for the next tenant. It shows the house in detail. You are also allowing the viewer to imagine their belongings in the home. You want to make sure the home you are photographing is clean and clutter-free. Some of the essential rooms to photograph when showcasing a home are as follows (but not in any particular order). 

Important Rooms to include:

  • Master bedroom — Focusing on this area is important because this is where the renter will be sleeping, beginning and ending their day. If you think about it, that's a lot of the time. 
  • Kitchen and bathrooms — Believe it or not, studies have shown that most renters also will find the kitchen and bathrooms of great importance. Some research has shown that people in the market to rent or even buy will let kitchens and bathrooms decide whether they will put that house on the list to see physically. Kitchen and Bathroom upgrades can sometimes be costly to repair or upgrade based on current conditions. (But don't worry- if you're looking for inexpensive upgrades, this is a fantastic blog to read)
  • Living room or family room— Showing viewers the size of these rooms is important. Not only do you spend time with your family in these rooms, but you also entertain. Showing the home's flow can excite people about all the things they will be able to do in that space.  
  You will also find that professional photography in the rental market will prove to have properties rented faster. This not only helps property management companies but keeps property owners happy.   

Other tips to keep in mind when having your rental property photographed are: 

  • Keep TVs Off- This can be a distraction in the photograph.
  • Photograph the home's interior during the day- Natural light is vital in photos and shows off the caliber of the house and its architectural details.  
  • Photograph the exterior of the home- Our suggestion is to do this on a cloudy/overcast day. Most professional photographers will edit their photos to enhance and show off beautiful clouds and blue skies. You will also want to make sure the landscaping is done. It would help if you had the grass cut, and you show your property with a wide lens to show the entire property.
  • Backyard amenities-  If the home is fenced or has a patio or decking, you will want to highlight this as well. Potential tenants will love the idea of privacy and entertainment. Photographing any highlights added to the property is always a plus. 
  If you are looking to rent your investment property and are considering using a property manager, we would love to consult with you. Contact us today!