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Holiday shopping that gives back, yes please!

Holiday shopping that gives back, yes please!

I don't know about you but holiday shopping always kind of sneaks up on me and then it's time to either jump online for some amazon prime shopping or head to the dreaded storefronts for that perfect gift. But what if holiday shopping had an extra bonus of giving back! I mean why not? You are most likely going to give gifts, what if they had an even bigger purpose? That seems like a win-win to me!

I have a very big family so it can be a little overwhelming to try to find something for each member so this year I did something a little different. I decided to gift everyone something that would hopefully not only bring a smile to their face but potentially a whole lot more faces.

Holiday gifts that actually give back!

I'm sure there are a ton of great non-profits out there but I found a few really amazing companies that I thought deserved mentioning as their missions align with my core values as a person and as a company. As we all know, every little bit counts and I encourage you to check these companies out year-round and not just at holiday time. The first company is called Ten Thousand Villages - you can read more about their mission here. In part, they are asking that we as a population, "shop with intention". I could not love that any more than I already do! Their products are handmade and specifically designed for unique gift-giving. I purchased little handmade terracotta "good luck pigs" that are handmade in Chili by a mother and daughter. When they arrived I unwrapped them to find each one every so slightly different in design. If you want to purchase these as well, click here.  There are a plethora of options to choose from so you just can't go wrong. The second company I stumbled upon is called Project 7 - more about their mission and purpose can be found here. They focus on 7 basic needs worldside. Hunger, environment, homelessness, clean water, education, health and peace and they literally put money were their mouth is by selling gourmet chewing gum! I always put a little candy or gum in my stockings so this was perfect! I bought a variety pack so I could sample some of them and it is awesome! It also comes in adorable packages that are easy to transport. The third company I purchased products from is called Happy Day Brands and was in part started in an effort to feed the hungry. More about their good works can be found here. I was so extra excited about this one because it was founded right here in Boise, Idaho so those profits truly go back into my community and that makes me very happy. They sell coffee, superfood mixes, chocolate, oatmeal and more. I purchased the oatmeal and while I haven't personally tried it I have a feeling that it will be delicious after I read the list of organic ingredients they use. I plan to place all these items in a cute little dollar store gift box and BAM - a holiday gift worth giving (back)! If you are ever in need of a gift-giving idea or you have questions about the services we provide please reach out! We would love to get to know you and show you how owning an investment property can be LESS HASSLE, MORE HAPPY! RentWise Property Management. 